Gum up your life

Moovum sports gum is a cold-pressed chewing gum filled with nutrients to support a supple body

Moovum sports chewing gum offers an instant release of:

    • Eco-friendly collagen concentrate Cartidyss®
    • vitamin C
    • biotin
    • lactobacillus acidophilus (heated)
  • Less is more: max 1000 mg collagen concentrate per day recommended instead of 10000 mg collagen in other products.
  • 4 chewing gums =
    1000 mg collagen concentrate
  • 60 gums per box
  • Mint flavor
  • Free of: dyes – gluten – lactose – sugars – aspartame

Pump up your collagen level

what does collagen do?

Collagen is a protein present in the human body and in most animals. It is a structure-giving protein with a helical appearance. One finds it in the skin, joints and other supporting tissues. A protein consists of building blocks called amino acids. Collagen contains the typical amino acids glycine and hydroxyproline.

Collagen-rich tissues such as joints can suffer due to certain forces during physical exertion. The search for the influence of collagen is still ongoing. A daily intake of collagen can support certain structural tissues in the body, positively.

A protein consists of building blocks called amino acids. Proteins have a multifunctional role in the body. Among other things, they are responsible for transporting substances in the body, help accomplish certain reactions in the body, can create substances that protect the body; are building materials of muscles, skin, hair and nails.

What DO proteins do?


Today, one can find many foods and supplements with added collagen. But which collagen do you take?
There are different molecule sizes, processing (hydrolyzed or not) and different sources of collagen. During hydrolysis, collagen is broken down into smaller particles (peptides) and individual amino acids. This is useful for dissolving it better in liquid foods, and it can facilitate its absorption by the body.
It is also interesting to know the country and place of origin. A certificate of analysis shows the extent to which contaminants are present, such as cadmium, lead or other heavy metals. Look for reliable suppliers of collagen. They usually give a little more assurance about the quality and absorbability of the collagen. You can find out if studies have been done with them and in what ways they can support the body.

The daily recommended amount of collagen depends on several factors such as the type of production process, the type of collagen. The recommended daily intake of hydrolyzed collagen usually ranges from 2500 mg to 10000 grams. Smaller amounts of certain collagen types, mostly type II, are recommended, max 1000 mg/day.

So don’t get caught by the recommended amount! Rather, check the quality, the source of the collagen, the country of production and you can find out if studies have been done with them and in what ways they can support the body.

Our Moovum gum contains the patented collagen type II (Cartidyss®) with a recommended daily intake between 500 mg and 1000 mg. 4 Moovum chewing gums contain 1000 mg of collagen.

Collagen is of animal origin. The most common sources are beef, pork, chicken, fish. Vegetable collagen does not exist so far, only vegetable derivatives that are falsely called collagen. Research into alternative sources of collagen is in full swing. Thus, collagen could be obtained via fermentation and offer a possible alternative. But it will be some time before it is available in Europe.

These both contain protein but have a different amino acid (building blocks) composition.

Protein supplement

Along with a healthy protein-rich diet, protein or amino acid blends for athletes contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. The most complete protein supplements are from animal sources, but nowadays there are also mixes from plant sources that are almost as comfortable, but you have to take more of them.

The more muscle mass the more protein one needs.

A normal daily intake is 0.83 grams/kg of body weight, in endurance athletes it is 1.2g/kg and with strength training the protein requirement increases even more.

The bottom line is to take neither too little nor too much protein.

Did you know that when protein intake is too high, the remainder is converted into fuel for the body. If your body does not need that fuel then it is converted to fat.

Collagen supplement

The function of collagen in the body is related to structure, strength and elasticity of certain tissues.

The dose of collagen supplements is usually much lower than those containing protein. You take it as an extra, over a sufficient and balanced diet. Collagen supplements may be combined with other protein supplements. If you consume too little protein and/or carbohydrates, your collagen intake will not be used as efficiently.

A healthy diet for the necessary supply of minerals and vitamins are important as for all production processes in the body. Did you know that vitamin C is essential for normal collagen production in the body? Minerals such as silicon and sulfur are also present in collagen-rich tissues.
The collagen concentrate in the gum naturally contains sulfur. Bioactive silicon we offer in a product of the ba’sil range: hair skin nail boost.

Active ingredients

  • Collagen concentrate Cartidyss®, sourced from the Breton coast, is a highly absorbable hydrolyzed(type II) fish collagen.
    The collagen is made from the bones of fish and processed through a mild manufacturing process with natural enzymes. Because the collagen concentrate is made from marine byproducts, it is called blue sustainability
  • The collagen concentrate contains a natural content of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid.

    Chondroitin, glucosamine and hylauronic acid are building blocks that, along with collagen, form structural tissue in the body.

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C and collagen function in the body as a tandem. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for normal cartilage function and helps protect cells from oxidative stress.
    Foods with a high source of vitamin C are usually fruits, vegetables, potatoes.
  • Biotin and vitamin C: contribute to normal energy-generating metabolism. That is the process of getting energy from fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This energy is used by the body for all kinds of processes. Foods high in biotin are liver, eggs, dairy products, nuts.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: these lactic acid bacteria are heated and suitable for long-term use. People talk about postbiotics. One can translate that word as beneficial bacteria that would still be of some use to the body after being inactivated by heat.

How to use.

  • Preferably 4 gums per day. Chewing 2 gums at the same time is also possible.

  • Time of intake: anytime, but not during meals:)
  • Chew time 15 minutes.

  • Moovum sports chewing gum should preferably be taken for a minimum of 3 months.

  • The ingredients are released from the chewing gum during chewing and thus systematically transported through the mouth to the stomach. Instant collagen release is present.

Keep out of the reach of young children. Dietary supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet nor a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Store dry, at room temperature (<25°C), away from light. Overuse can have a laxative effect.

Ingredients and contents

Moovum sports gum has the registration number: NUT_AS 3505/7

  4 gums
marine collagen concentrate Cartidyss®.1000 mg
of which collagen II peptides620 mg
glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate370 mg
hyaluronic acid10 mg
biotin150 μg 300% RI/AR*
vitamin C80 mg 100 % RI/AR*
lactobacillus acidophilus (heated)28 mg

* RI: Reference Intake

Ingredients:gum base (flavoring; emulsifier: soylecithin; antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract); sweeteners: xylitol, isomalt, mannitol; Cartidyss®: hydrolyzed marine collagen with natural glucosamine and chondroitin content (fish) ; thickener: arabic gum; flavoring; anti-caking agents: magnesium salt of fatty acids, silicon dioxide; vit C (L-ascorbic acid); glazing agents: talc, calcium carbonate, rice starch, hydrolysate of corn starch; L. acidophilus SGL 11 (heated); sweeteners: steviol glycosides (stevia), acesulfame-K, sucralose; (D-)biotin.